13. 8. 2009. Thursday / Četvrtak

Sv Dominik 21:30
Entrance 30 kn

Eclipse of Pygmy
/ Adam Read Company / Israel
Director: Adam Read

Eclipse je niz transparentnih slika, osjećaj poput onog da prstom ne možemo osjetiti miris kamena, teksturu mjeseca, odraz zamrznutih močvara i životinja koje prožimaju tihe šume, nastanjujući tišinu zvucima poput zbora odvažnih malih svirala.

Ovaj je svijet sazdan od gesti, univerzalnih pokreta i oznaka koje upućuju na sve vrhunske epohe ljudske izvedbe, poput vječnog klauna, veličanstvene Bhutto umjetnosti, drevnnih obreda i mantri starih plemena. Ovdje pronalazimo jasnoću, razdvajanje čistog od grešnog, koje je moguće samo onda kada je svijet izložen u trenutku eklipse.

Adam Read studira dramu u Centru za izvedbene umjetnosti u Adelaidu i na Victorian College of Arts u Melbourneu. Inspiriran siromašnim teatrom Grotowskog 1997. dolazi u Europu i radi u Edinburghu. Osniva Laboratorium 33, radi s berlinskom kazališnom grupom Grotest Maru i s kazalištem Barefoot iz Nizozemske.

Tijekom naukovanja u svjetski poznatom ruskom fizičkom teatru Derevo, Read provodi sate rada u industrijskoj zoni Dresdena, otkrivajući odnose i objekte okruženja jedne stare radio tvornice, velikog stabla, malog ribnjaka i labirinta, pripremajući trenutak eklipse sa stvarnošću.

Nakon svjetske turneje s hit predstavom Delirium Cirque du Soleil-a, ispunjen snagom proizašlom iz isrcpljujućih treninga i brojnih divljom ljepotom prožetih izvedbi, ovaj rođeni Australac i lažni Europljanin zapalio je pozornice izvedbom, sad već izbrušene vizije, Eclipse of Pygmy .

Teško odredivog žanra, bez riječi, likova, scenarija ili zapleta, ovaj solo, u mističnom spoju drevnog i novog, i zveden putem iznimnih manifestacija tjelesnog iskustva, uspijeva prizvati golu prirodu svijesti – iznova otkrivajući davno izgubljeni medij iskonske komunikacije za koju publika kao da ima već spremne receptore. Gotovo magična izvrsnost Eclipse originalna je poput sna. 

Eclipse is a series of transparent images, a sensation of likeness that we cannot put our finger on to experience the smell of a stone, the texture of the moon, the reflection of a frozen swamp and animals that enchant in silent woods that populate silence with fortitude of sounds like small pipes.

This world is made of gestures, universal movements and characters that reference all of man's ages of performance including the eternal clown, the magnificent art of Bhutto and the ceremony and chants of ancient tribes. Here we find clarity, the sifting through of purities and impurities, only possible when the world is exposed in a moment of Eclipse.

Adam Read studied theatre at the Centre for Performing arts in Adelaide, Australia and at the Victorian College of Arts in Melbourne. In 1997 moves to Europe and works in Edinburgh with inspiration from the poor theatre of Grotowski. He founds company Laboratorium 33 and begins work with theatre company Grotest Maru in Berlin. In the year 2000 he joins company Barefoot from Holland and plays solo performances around Europe, Asia and Australia.

As a student of the world-renowned Russian physical theatre troupe Derevo he works in the industry area of Dresden on solo performances and undergoes the training tasks of the Derevo system. During that time Read spent many hours discovering objects and relations to environments such as an old East German radio factory, a large tree, a small pond and a labyrinth, preparing his moment of eclipse with reality. 

In 2006 Adam joins Cirque de Soleil and after the world tour with their smash hit show Delirium, full of vitality and strength derived from extensive training and performance combined with passion and violent beauty, the Australia-born and Europe-forged Read explodes on stage with his honed vision - the Eclipse of Pygmy.

Though it seems his piece doesn't fit any genre, this solo, without words, characters, script or plot, in a mystical blend of ancient and new and expressed on stage only via body's extraordinary realization of experience, succeeds in reaching the bare nature of consciousness, rediscovering a long lost media of genuine communication for which the audience appears to have receptors already programmed. The almost magical realist quality of Eclipse is as original as a dream.

Concept, direction and performance by / Koncept, režija i izvedba: Adam Read
Light design / Svjetlo: Dima Erashkin
Sound design / Zvuk: Rico Tscharntke
Production / Produkcija: Company Adam Read / Tel Aviv, Israel
Duration / Trajanje: 50'

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