10. 8. 2009. Monday / Ponedjeljak

Sv Donat 23:00
Entrance 20 kn

World's Short Movie Selection
presents Short Matters!
European Film Academy Short Films Nominees 2008

Prix UIP pokrenut je na inicijativu United International Pictures (UIP) u suradnji s Europskom filmskom akademijom (EFA) i uz potporu četrnaest festivala diljem Europe. Program Kratki su bitni! donosi 14 nomininarnih za prestižnu nagradu za Najbolji europski kratki film u 2008. godini uključujući i pobjednički film festivala, Frankie , autora Darrena Thorntona.

The Prix UIP was an initiative by the United International Pictures (UIP) in association with the European Film Academy (EFA) and with the support of fourteen festivals across Europe. Short Matters! presents fourteen films nominated for the Prix UIP Award for the Best European Short Film in 2008. including the overall winner film Frankie by Darren Thornton.

The films / Filmovi

Prix UIP Ghent / Raak

Netherlands / Nizozemska / 2007 / 9’ / Fiction / Igrani
Directed by / Redatelj: Hanro Smitsman, Written by / Scenarij: Philip Delmaar, Anjet Daanje, Hanro Smitsman, Produced by / Produkcija: Ijswater Films, Edited by / Montaža: Marc Bechtold, Music by / Glazba: Fons Merkies, Cast / Uloge: Nino van der Lee, Camilla Siegertsz, Juda Goslinga, Jelka van Houten, Leon Voorberg

Priča o tome kako se uvredljiva opaska vraća kao bumerang onome tko ju je bacio. Osveta kao
motiv igra ključnu ulogu u istraživanju uzroka i posljedica primitivnog ponašanja. Niz kratkih
sukoba kroz promjenu perspektive vodi do iznenađujućeg vrhunca i poučava nas da povrijeđena
osoba ne može izbrisati svoju bol tako što će povrijediti nekog drugog. Jer u većini slučajeva
neočekivane posljedice su dalekosežne.

How an offensive remark rebounds like a boomerang on the one who launched it. Revenge as a
motive plays a key role in the study of causes and consequences of a rude conduct. A string of
succinct conflicts with changing of perspectives leads to a surprising climax and teaches us that
a wounded person can never efface his or her pain by hurting someone else. Because in many
cases unforeseen effects are quite far-reaching.

Prix UIP Cork / The Apology Line

UK / 2007 / 10’ / Documentary / Dokumentarni
Directed and produced by / Redatelj i producent: James Lees, Written by / Scenarij: James Lees, William Bridges, Cinematography by / Direktor fotografije: Matthias Nyberg, Edited by / Montaža: Tony Norton, Sound by / Zvuk: Craig Butters, Cast by / Uloge: Jevon Canhigh, Vicky O’Dell, Sheryl Green, Peter Carrow, Ivor Giles, Andrea Wilson

2006. godine James Lees i William Bridges postavili su umjetnički projekt nazvan ‘Telefon za
isprike’, besplatni telefon kojeg građani mogu nazvati i ispričati se za nešto što im je na savjesti.
Te poruke čine osnovu filma.

In 2006 James Lees and William Bridges set up an art project called ‘The Apology Line’ which
involved a free telephone number for public to call and apologise for whatever might be weighing
on their conscience. These messages formed the basis of the film.

Prix UIP Valladolid / Un Bisou Pour Le Monde

France / Francuska / 2007 / 9’ / Fiction / Igrani
Directed by / Redatelj: Cyril Paris, Written by / Scenarij: Cyril Paris, Frédéric Hazan, Produced by / Produkcija: U+Me, Cinematography by / Direktor fotografije: Nicolas Loir, Edited by / Montaža: Céline Kelekipis, Sound by / Zvuk: Aurelien Pasquet, Etienne de Nanteuil, Music by / Glazba: Elsa Fourlon, Cast / Uloge: Chloé Lambert, Enora Fonant, Sami Ahedda, Jean-Tis Plisson

Učiteljica u osnovnoj školi učenicima pokazuje dnevne novine. Leo, desetogodišnjak, u želji da
bolje prouči svoj primjerak novina raspara ‘Le Monde’ (Svijet) u komadiće. Učiteljica, shvativši što
se događa, kažnjava Lea i zapovijedi mu da ponovno sastavi novine. Leo marljivo zalijepi dijelove
i ponosno dolazi pred razred pročitati naslove njegovog novo sastavljenog svijeta.

A primary school teacher shows her pupils some daily newspapers. Leo, a ten-year-old boy,
wanting to get a closer look at his paper promptly tears ‘Le Monde’ (The World) into pieces. When
the teacher becomes aware of what’s going on she punishes Leo and orders him to put the paper
back together again. Leo diligently tapes the pieces together and goes proudly in front of the
class to read the headlines of his newly assembled world.

Prix UIP Angers / Procrastination

UK / 2007 / 4’ / Animation / Animacija
Directed, written and animated by / Režija, scenarij i animacija: Johnny Kelly, Produced by / Produkcija: Royal College of Art, Sound by / Zvuk: Mike Wyeld, Narrator / Narator: Bryan Quinn, Voice over / Glasovi: Foley Sue Harding, John Mark

Nepoštedna ispitivalačka i istraživačka studija iz prve ruke o odgađanju stvari. Ponekad jedini način za nešto napraviti je da se prvo napravi hrpa drugih stvari.

An investigative and exploratory hands-on gloves-off study of the practice of putting things off. Sometimes the only way to get something done is to do a two dozens of other things first.

Prix UIP Rotterdam / Joy

UK / 2008 / 10’ / Fiction / Igrani
Directed and written by / Režija i scenarij: Joe Lawlor and Christine Molloy, Produced by / Produkcija: Desperate Optimists, Cast / Uloge: Sonia Saville, Annie Townsend, Charlene James

Joy je priča o 17-godišnjakinji koja je nestala. Film je policijska rekonstrukcija njezinih zadnjih
poznatih kretanja u lokalnom parku. Pri kraju rekonstrukcije postaje jasno da film nije samo
rekonstrukcija posljednjih trenutaka jedne teenagerice nego razmišljanje o krhkosti mladosti.

Joy is a story about a 17-year-old girl who has gone missing. The film is a police reconstruction
of Joy’s last known movements in a local park. By the time the investigation ended it is clear that
the film is more than just a reconstruction of teenager’s last moments but rather contemplation
on fragility of youth.

Prix UIP Berlin / Frankie

Ireland / Irska / 2007 / 12’ / Fiction / Igrani
Directed and written by / Režija i scenarij: Darren Thornton, Produced by / Produkcija: Calipo Theatre & Picture Company, Edited by / Montaža: Anna Maria O’Flanagan, Music by / Glazba: Ray Harman, Cast / Uloge: Ryan Andrews, Una O’Brien, Mary Murray

Frankie ima 15 godina i priprema se postati otac. Odlučio je biti najbolji tata ikada ali kako dan
prolazi uviđa da to neće biti tako lako.

Frankie is 15 and preparing for fatherhood. He is determined to be the best dad ever but as the
day passes he is starting to realise how impossible this will be for him.

Prix UIP Tampere / The Pearce Sisters

UK / 2007 / 10’ / Animation / Animacija
Directed and written by / Režija i scenarij: Luis Cook, Produced by / Produkcija: Aardman Animations, Animated by / Animacija: Adam Cootes, Nigel Davies, Eve Coy, Theresa Whatley, Emma Greenwood, Les Orton, Marten Jonmark, Dan Lane

Zabavna i u isto vrijeme tmurna priča o dvije stare usidjelice nagrižene vremenskim prilikama.
Lol i Edna Pearce žive na udaljenom i neprivlačnom dijelu obale. Životare na onome što dobiju od
mora. Sestre Pearce je priča o ljubavi, usamljenosti, iznutricama, krvi, golotinji, nasilju, pušenju
i šalicama čaja.

An amusingly bleak hearted tale of two weather lashed old spinsters. Lol and Edna Pearce live
on a remote and austere strip of coast. They scrape out a miserable existence from the sea. The
Pearce Sisters is a tale of love, loneliness, guts, gore, nudity, violence, smoking and cups of tea.

Prix UIP Krakow / Time Is Running Out

UK / 2007 / 7’ / Animation / Animacija
Directed, written, produced and animated by / Režija, scenarij, produkcija i animacija: Marc Reisbig, Sound by / Zvuk: Jim Matthews

Maleni svijet je u nevolji. Film istražuje reakcije stanovnika na nadolazeću propast. Jedan čovjek pokušava zaustaviti neizbježno.

A little world is in trouble. The film explores inhabitants’ reactions to the impending doom. One man tries to stop the inevitable.

Made possible In cooperation with the/ Ostvareno u suradnji s: Tabor film festival, European Film Academy & United International Pictuers

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