8. 8. 2009. Saturday / Subota

Sv Donat 23:00
Entrance 20 kn

World's Short Movie Selection presents Miranda Pennell

Miranda Pennell započela je karijeru studijem suvremenog plesa u New Yorku i Amsterdamu, nakon čega nastavlja istraživati koreografiju kroz film i video te se kao ključno u njenim filmovima istaknulo zanimanje za samu prirodu izvođenja. Pennell se bavi koreografijom koja se može naći u stvarnom svijetu. Koristi se širokim spektrom različitih likova poput vojnika i vojničkog orkestra, maloljetnih klizača na ledu, stage-fightera, amaterskih i profesionalnih plesača, bubnjara koji to još nisu. Iako referiraju na stvarne ljude i mjesta, realizam njenih filmova ublažen je formalnim pristupom kameri i montaži što otkriva iznenađujuće kontraste i proturječja unutar tih jedinstvenih svjetova.

Mirandini filmovi i video radovi donijeli su joj mnoge nagrade te potpore od Arts Council of England, London's Artists Film and Video Awards i Channel 4 British Documentary Foundation. Živi u Londonu.

Miranda Pennell originally studied contemporary dance in New York and Amsterdam after which she started exploring choreographic ideas in film and video where an interest in the bare nature of performing remained central focus of her films. Pennell's work looks at the choreography found in the real world, using a diverse range of characters such as soldiers or marching band, teenage ice-skaters, stage-fighters, amateur and professional dancers and aspiring drummers. Even though films revolve around real people and places their realism is softened by formal approach to camera and editing which ultimately showed surprising contrasts and contradictions within those explored worlds.

Her films and videos have received many awards and funding from Arts Council England, Film London's Artists Film and Video Awards, and the Channel 4 British Documentary Foundation. She lives in London.

The films / Filmovi

Drum Room
2007 / 15'

Prazan prostor jedne neobične zgrade otkriva grupu glazbenika koji sviraju zajedno, a sami. Soba za bubnjanje promišlja odnose između pojedinca i grupe, kroz izražavanje individualnih i kolektivnih identiteta mladih rock glazbenika suprotstavljenih konvencijama ustanove u kojoj se nalaze.

An empty space of an unusual building reveals a group of musicians as they play together yet alone. Drum Room reveals relations between individuals and a group through an expression of young rock musicians whose individual and collective selves are up against conventions of the institution they exist in.

You Made Me Love You
2005 / 4'

Dvadeset i jedan plesač pleše igru mačke i miša uz nepredvidljivo kretanje kamere. Gledatelj je omamaljen pokretima plesača koji se guraju u kadar.

Twenty-one dancers play a game of cat and mouse with an unpredictable camera. Disoriented, the viewer is hypnotized by the gaze of dancers who crowd the frame.

2004 / 11'

Tip ulazi u bar. Šest glumaca se udarcima i rvanjem probija kroz Divlji zapad pijanica istočno londonskog puba. Ritual barske tuče Divljeg zapada preseljen je u okupljalište londonskih radnika. Čini se da nasilje nema posljedica, budući su tijela glumaca jednako gumena i neranjiva kao i ona iz western filmova koji su inspirirali ovaj uradak.

A bloke walks into a pub. Six actors punch, kick and wrestle their way through the Wild West of an East London drinking establishment. The ritual of a Western bar-brawl is re-located to a London working men's club. The violence appears to have no consequences since actors' bodies being as rubbery and invulnerable as those in the Westerns movies that inspired the film.

Magnetic North
2003 / 9'

Rituali adolescenata u zimskom krajoliku ruralne Finske. Djevojka kliže po zamrznutom jezeru, a mladić u svojoj sobi pozira s gitarom. Film evocira svijet adolescentske mašte i žudnje.

Adolescent rituals are played out across the wintry landscape of a small town in Finland. A teenage girl skates on a frozen lake, while a teenage boy poses with a guitar in his room. The film evokes a world of adolescent fantasy and longing.

Human Radio
2002 / 9'

Ljudi plešu u trenucima svoje privatnosti diljem Londona ljeta 2001. Film je rezultat redateljičinog rada s prvih deset ljudi koji su se javili na oglas u lokalnim novinama u kojem je objavila da traži plesače iz dnevne sobe - ljude koji obožavaju plesati, iza zatvorenih vrata.

People are dancing in their moments of privacy across London in the summer of 2001. This film is the result the director's working with the first ten respondents to an ad in a local newspaper where she announced the search for dancers in the living room - people who just love to dance behind closed doors.

2001 / 9'

Drveće, kukci i ptice pomno promatraju kako krajolik okupira izgubljena regimenta vojnika koja je zadubljena u repetitivne radnje. Mehanička ljepota vojne vježbe, zgnječena snagom krajolika, istovremeno je apsurdna i uznemirujuća.

Trees, insects and birds look-on as the countryside is invaded by a lost regiment of soldiers engaged in a repetitive display. The senseless beauty of a military drill, dwarfed by landscape, is in turns absurd and disturbing.

1997 / 5' / In collaboration with the poet Michael Donaghy

Na nadgrobnoj ploči na londonskom groblju stoji: 12. prosinca 1786. umrla je Elizabeth Pickett nakon što joj se haljina zapalila prethodnu večer. Modernu ženu vatreno crvene kose opsjeda ta slika goruće haljine ili habita . I pjesma i film se poigravaju s dvojakim značenjem riječi ‘habit'.

The inscription on the gravestone in the London cemetery reads: On the 12. of December 1786. Elizabeth Pickett died after her dress caught fire the preceding evening . Modern woman with flame red hair is haunted by this image of the burning dress or habit . Both poem and film play with a twofold meaning of the word habit .  

1995 / 6'

Svakodnevne radnje i gestikulacije transformirane su kroz ritam i koreografirani pokret.

The daily routines and gestures are transformed through the rhythm and choreographed movement.

In cooperation with / Ostvareno u suradnji s: Tabor film festival

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