13. 8. 2009. Thursday / Četvrtak

Sv Donat 23:00
Entrance 20 kn

World's Short Movie Selection presents Mia Engberg - Retrospective

Mia Engberg radi kao redateljica dokumentarnih filmova od sredine 90-ih. Njezini filmovi
obično nastaju sa margina društva, među gay skinheadsima, veganima, ljudima koji ruše
rodne stereotipe ili među djecom s ulice. Snimila je nekoliko kratkih erotskih filmova i osnovala
nezavisnu produkcijsku kuću Sexy Film koja producira i distribuira alternativnu pornografiju. Mia
svira bas gitaru u hardcore feminističkom ska bandu Vagina Grande.

Mia Engberg has been working as a documentary film-maker since the mid 90’s. Her films are
usually shot in the margins of society, amongst gay skinheads, vegans, gender benders or street
kids. She has also made erotic short films and established the independent film company Sexy
Film to produce and distribute alternative porn. Mia plays a bass guitar in the hardcore feminist
ska band Vagina Grande.

The films / filmovi

Parkside Girls
New York / 1996 / 23’

Tri žene došle su u New York u potrazi za srećom i sve su završile u Parkside Residence-u,
prihvatilištu za žene koje drži Vojska spasa. Čak i ako ne postanem slavna ili barem polu-slavna,
nadam se da sa 65 godina neću više živjeti u ovoj sobi.

Three women came to New York to seek happiness and they all ended up at Parkside Residence,
the Salvation Army’s residence for women. Even if I don’t become famous or even semi-famous I
just hope that at the age of 65 I’m not living in this room.

Meat is Murder
Vänersborg / 1997 / 28’

Film o Anni, aktivistici za prava životinja. Možda sam naivna, ali želim vjerovati da se svijet može promijeniti.

A film about Anna who is an Animal Rights activist. I might be naive, but I want to believe that the world can be changed.

California Uber Alles
San Francisco / 1999 / 5’

Portret punk legende Jello Biafra. Film uključuje arhivske snimke iz ranih 80-ih i Biafrine
kandidature za gradonačelnika San Francisca. Vidjet ćemo i snimke Dead Kennedys i nastupe
Spoken Worda s Biafrom danas.

A portrait of the punk legend Jello Biafra. The film includes archive footage from the early 80s
when Biafra ran for Mayor in San Francisco. There are also images of the Dead Kennedys and
Spoken Word performances with Jello Biafra today.

The Stars We Are
Stockholm / 1997 / 28’

Kalle je gay, skinhead i HIV-pozitivan. Družimo se s Kalleom i njegovim prijateljima, Henrikom i
Ibrahimom tijekom Božićnih praznika. Oni se drogiraju, diskutiraju o životu i svojoj mržnji prema
ljudima općenito. Također pričaju o smrti, za kojom ponekad čeznu. To je Kalleov posljednji Božić na životu.

Film je nominiran za nagradu Swedish Golden Bug 1997. Osvojio je prvu nagradu na filmskom
festivalu u Munchenu.

Kalle is gay, skinhead and HIV-positive. We follow Kalle and his friends, Henrik and Ibrahim during the Christmas holiday. They do drugs; discuss life and their hatred of people in general. They also talk about death, which they sometimes long for. It is Kalle’s last Christmas alive.

Nominated for a Swedish Golden Bug 1997. First prize at the Munich Film Festival.

In cooperation with / Ostvareno u suradnji s: Tabor film festival

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