07. 8. Memories Are Made Of This... | BADco. | Sv. Dominik | 21:00
08. 8. Le Bizzarium | Les Sages Fous | Trg Sv. Stošije | 21.00
08. 8. Berlin in Brief | 8 Award-winning Berlin Films | Sv. Donat | 22.30
09. 8. Some Things Happen All At Once | Rosa Casado, Mike Brookes | Arsenal | 20.00
09. 8. Le Bizzarium | Les Sages Fous | Trg Sv. Stošije | 21.00
10. 8. Razgovor duše i tijela | Zadarski plesni ansambl | Sv. Donat | 21.00
10. 8. Medium | Zadarski plesni ansambl | Sv. Dominik | 22.00
10. 8. Short Matters! EFA Short Film Nominees - Prix UIP Winners | Sv. Donat | 23.00
11. 8. Yukio Mishima: Hanjo | Teatar ITD | Sv. Dominik | 21.00
11. 8. Short Matters! | Sv. Donat | 22.30
12. 8. Elfriede Jelinek: Jackie | Novo kazalište & Mini teater | Sv. Donat | 21.00
12. 8. Nulovanje | Teatro VeRRdi | Sv. Donat | 22.30
13. 8. Beach Patrol | Icarus Performance Troupe | Kalelarga, Riva | 20:00, 22:00
13. 8. Utjelovljenje | Trafik | Sv. Dominik | 21:00
14. 8. Roo‘d | Icarus Performance Troupe | Kalelarga | 20:00, 22:00


7. 8. 2008. Sv. Dominik | St. Dominic | 21.00

Memories Are Made Of This...

Directed by | Redatelj: Goran Sergej Pristaš
Dramaturgy | Dramaturgija: Ivana Ivković
Co-authors and performers | Ko-autori i izvođači: Pravdan Devlahović, Ana Kreitmeyer, Krešimir Mikić, Nikolina Pristaš, Zrinka Užbinec & Damir Bartol Indoš
Collaborators | Suradnici: Tor Lindstrand (stage design | scena), Daniel Fischer (software), Nicolas Siepen (film), Miljenko Bengez (lights | svjetlo), Silvio Vujičić (costumes | kostimi), Gordan Karabogdan (design | dizajn)
Production | Produkcija: BADco. | Bezimeno autorsko društvo, Zagreb
Duration | Trajanje: 90’

Memories are made of this… performance notes is a project which travels within the complex topology of memory. The project operates as a compilation of performance notes, recollection of fragments shattered by time. It explores memories that have been broken or utterly deleted; mental fissures and emotional crack-ups left behind, blank thoughts that are stored as one’s past experience.
‘The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise. ‘
F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Crack-Up
BADco. was founded in 2000 as a collaboration performance group. Their artistic work is marked by the production of various challenging aspects of working in/as collaborative. Authors see their theatre acts as performance machines which can enter various referential contexts such as social, political, intimate, dance and artistic contexts in general. Instead of thematic naming, which stands closer to the traditional ideas of theatre, the group prefers thinking in terms of eventality. BADco. is recognized internationally for its innovative approach, new performing techniques and philosophy introduced both in their joint explorations and individual efforts.
Memories are made of this… izvedbene bilješke je projekt koji putuje kroz složenu topologiju memorije. Koncipiran kao kolekcija izvedbenih bilježaka, projekt istražuje fragmente sjećanja razlomljene ili nestale u vremenu, intelektualne pukotine i emotivne bankrote koji su nastali, prazninu pohranjenu u ostacima nekog prošlog iskustva.
‘Test prvorazredne inteligencije je sposobnost imanja na pameti dviju suprotnih ideja istovremeno i još uvijek uspjeti zadržati sposobnost funkcioniranja. Trebali bismo, na primjer, moći uvidjeti da su stvari beznadne pa ipak biti odlučni u tome da ih mijenjamo.’
F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Crack-Up

BADco. je kolaborativna izvedbena skupina osnovana 2000. godine. Njihov se umjetnički rad bazira na proizvodnji i istraživanju izazovnih situacija koje proizlaze iz rada u kolektivu. Autori na svoje predstave gledaju kao na izvedbene strojeve koji se mogu uključiti u različite referencijalne kontekste poput socijalnog, političkog, intimnog, plesnog i općenito umjetničkog. Umjesto tematskog imenovanja (naming) bližeg općem poimanju teatra, grupa favorizira plesnu događajnost (eventality). Afirmirana na međunarodnoj sceni, grupa Badco posebno je priznata po svom inovativnom pristupu, novim izvedbenim tehnikama te filozofijom koju uvode u svojim kako zajedničkim, tako i individualnim umjetničkim poduhvatima.

| www.badco.hr


8. 8. 2008. Trg Sv. Stošije | The Square of St. Anastasia | 21.00

Le Bizzarium

Direction, puppets and masks | Režija, lutke i maske: South Miller
Music | Glazba: Christian Laflamme
Puppet tamer | Krotitelj lutaka: Jacob Brindamour
Wood, Light, Nuts and Bolts | Rekviziti: Sylvain Longpré
Construction helpers | Asistenti scene: Henri Morrissette, Art Miller
Dramatical assistance | Dramaturška asistencija: Pierre Robitaille
Performers | Izvođači: Jacob Brindamour & South Miller
Production | Produkcija: Les Sages Fous, Quebec
Duration | Trajanje: 45'

The exploration boat, the HMS Bizzarium, sails the seven seas to search for creatures of myth and lore. The streets become canals, the buildings create fjords, old men on benches become beached whales.
As the boat rocks in the wind, schools of fish agglomerate in its wake. The two explorers dive into the depths of a mysterious oceanic aquarium. They comb the ocean's floor in a city beneath the sea. In the bliss of the abyss they unveil a shipwreck that is their own. The mission is clear. Discover the creatures that lie beneath dreams. Capture the treasure of the unknown. Live to tell the tale.
Les Sages Fous propose a theatre of paradoxes: grotesque and poetic, ritual and mundane, domestic and marvellous. A theatre where images and gestures speak more strongly than words; that is as surprising and disturbing as it is wild and undisciplined.
HMS Bizzarium, istraživački brod u službi Njenog Veličanstva, plovi preko sedam mora u potrazi za bićima iz mitova i legendi. Ulice se pretvaraju u kanale, zgrade tvore fjordove, stari ljudi na klupama postaju nasukani kitovi.
Dok se brod ljulja na vjetru, jata riba okupljaju se oko nastalog vodenog vrloga. Dva istraživača uranjaju u dubine mističnog oceanskog akvarija. Pročešljavaju dno oceana u gradu ispod mora. U blaženstvu bezdana otkrivaju ostatke svog broda. Zadatak je jasan. Otkriti bića koja leže ispod snova. Uhvatiti riznicu nepoznatog. Poživjeti i priču ispričati. 

Les Sages Fous vas poziva u teatar paradoksa: groteskan i poetičan, ceremonijalan i svakodnevan, obiteljski i nevjerojatan. Teatar u kojem slike i geste govore više od riječi, koji iznenađuje i uznemiruje, koji je divlji i neobuzdan.

| www.sagesfous.com


8. 8. 2008. Sv. Donat | St. Donat | 22.30

International Short Movie Festival Interfilm Berlin presents

Berlin In Brief

Kurz in Berlin | Berlin in Brief | eight Award-winning Berlin Films including the Oscar winner Schwarzfahrer / Black Rider by Pepe Danquart. Take a short film trip through the city as multifaceted as the movies made there. Witness the historical fast-forwards of the Berlin Wall, bomb discoveries in vegetable gardens, performances on the streets…. In brief, feel the beats of the city on Alba.
Berlin ukratko | Osam nagrađenih kratkih filmova uključujući dobitnika Oscara Schwarzfahrer / Crni jahač, redatelja Pepe Danquarta. O gradu kojeg vrijedi vidjeti. Svjedočite povjesnom pregledu Berlinskoga zida, otkrićima neeksplodiranih bombi u povrtnjacima, uličnim umjetnostima… Ukratko, osjetite puls grada na Albi.

The films

Einige zahlen über die bevölkerung Berlins | Neke činjenice o stanovnicima Berlina

Director: Ralf Schuster | Germany, 1994 | 3’ | German with subtitles

A sarcastic and instructional film. Statistics made easy - a pictorial analogy for the mass citizenry of Berliner. How much longer till everybody decide to jump off the TV tower?
Sarkastičan i poučan film. Statistike prikazane na jednostavan način – slikovna analogija za stanovnike Berlina. Koliko dugo dok svi ne odluče skočiti sa TV tornja?


Der blindgänger | Ćorak

Director: Andreas Samland | Germany, 2004 | 29’40’’ | German with subtitles

A new highway is in the planning and its path cuts straight through the allotment garden colony ‘Grüne Aue’. When the deconstruction crew discovers a WWII bomb, the manager of the garden colony threatens to detonate...
Nova autocesta je u fazi planiranja i njezina trasa treba proći kroz koloniju povrtnjaka ‘Grüne Aue’. Kada ekipa za rušenje pronađe bombu iz II. Svjetskog rata u vrtu upravitelja imanja, on prijeti da će ju detonirati...


Schwarzfahrer | Crni jahač

Director: Pepe Danquart | Germany, 1993 | 12’ | German with subtitles

A black man sits down next to an elderly woman on the tram, and she launches into a swearing tirade against foreigners. 
Crnac sjedne pored starije gospođe u tramvaju, a ona lansira bujicu psovki protiv stranaca.


Berliner blau | Berlinsko plavo

Director: Hartmut Jahn | Germany, 1989 | 14’17’’ | no dialogues, German singing

The Berlin Wall as a surface reflecting art, activism, history and visions. A playful portrait.
Berlinski zid kao površina koja odražava umjetnost, aktivizam, povijest i vizije. Zaigrani portret.


Fliegenpflicht für quadratköpfe | Leteća dužnost kockaste glave

Director: Stephan Flint Müller | Germany, 2004 | 10’43’’ | German with subtitles

Acrobatics with the 10-ton-hats, farting posters, and experiments with various camera perspectives. 
Akrobacije sa šeširima od 10 tona, posteri koji prde, i eksperimenti sa različitim kutevima snimanja.


Defa Disco Film – Berlin

Director: Uwe Belz | GDR, 1977 | 8’ | German with subtitles

A part of the Defa-series dedicated mostly to beat and pop bands from the former Eastern Bloc. 'Berlin' is the portrait of the new East Berlin city centre in the 70s. Soundtrack is by Günther Fischer, one of the best-known East German jazz musicians.
Dio iz Defa-serije posvećene uglavnom beat i pop bendovima iz bivšeg Istočnog bloka, 'Berlin' je portret novoga centra Istočnog Berlina iz 70-ih. Za soundtrack je zaslužan Günther Fischer, jedan od najpoznatijih istočnonjemačkih jazz glazbenika.


Ein-blick | Pogled

Director: Gerd Conradt | Germany, 1987 | 10’ | no dialogue

A camera documents the everyday action at the border-line that separates the East and West Berlin. We are observing 12 hours in a quick motion; fortifications, hanging up, washing, ping-pong and German - German insanity.
Kamera bilježi svakodnevna događanja na crti koja dijeli Istočni i Zapadni Berlin. Promatramo 12 sati u ubrzanoj snimci; utvrđivanje, vješanje, pranje, ping-pong, i njemačko-njemačke ludosti.


On the other side | Druga strana

Director: Ellie Land | England, 2007 | 5’ | English

An animated film about a couple of individuals who are remembering their childhood living by the Berlin Wall. These memories have something in common; none of them knows what is on the other side.
Animirani film o nekoliko pojedinaca, koji se prisjećaju svoga djetinjstva uz Berlinski zid. Ova sjećanja imaju nešto zajedničko: nitko od njih ne zna što je s druge strane.

Made possible in cooperation with | Program omogućili: Interfilm Berlin & Tabor Film Festival

| www.interfilm.de
| www.taborfilmfestival.com

9. 8. 2008. Arsenal | 20.00

Some Things Happen All At Once

Authors | Autori: Mike Brookes, London, UK and Rosa Casado, Madrid, Spain
Performing | Izvodi: Rosa Casado
Text | Tekst: Rosa Casado, based on texts by Bruckminster Fuller and Philip Ball
Technical assistance | tehnička podrška: Julio Gómez
Photos | Fotografije: Germán Gómez
Co-production | Koprodukcija: Festival Escena Abierta, Festival Escena Contemporánea, Residencia de Creación La Casa del Burro and Rosa Casado

Performance / installation reflecting on human progress and sustainability. It takes its starting point from studies on behaviour of water and draws on Philip Ball’s book Critical mass – how one thing leads to another and Buckminster Fuller’s article Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth. The work is built around the construction and decay of a model forest made entirely of ice. The model consists of 150 individual ice trees, and includes a village of 60 ice houses and a single ice church. What would happen if the nature and consequences of the performance depended on spectators’ decisions?
Rosa Casado is an independent artist and performer from Madrid. Her artistic work is centred on rewriting reality by means of de-contextualizing ordinary daily acts to explore new ways of ‘thinking’ and ‘doing’ as well as on developing interdisciplinary spaces to promote contemporary artistic practice.
Mike Brookes is an artist and designer based in United Kingdom. His work is generally perceived to have pioneered mediated and multi-site performance practices, enabled by experimental uses of technology, and innovative approaches to dramaturgy and documentation.
Performans / instalacija o održivosti i društvenom napretku. Polazišna točka djela su studije o performansama vode, knjiga Philip Ball: ‘Kritična masa – Kako jedno vodi drugome’ i članak Buckminster Fullera: ‘Priručnik za upravljanje svemirskog broda Zemlja’. Radnja se razvija oko nestajanja reprodukcije jedne šume izrađene u potpunosti od leda. 150 ledenih stabala, uključujući selo sa 60 ledenih kuća i jednom crkvom. Što bi se dogodilo kad bi priroda i posljedice performansa ovisile o odlukama gledatelja?
Umjetnički rad samostalne umjetnice i koreografkinje Rose Casado iz Madrida zasniva se na dvije osnovne težnje: prepravljanje stvarnosti kroz dekonceptualizaciju svakodnevnih radnji radi istraživanja novih načina 'mišljenja' i 'djelovanja' te iniciranje interdisciplinarnih prostora radi promocije i razvoja suvremene umjetničke prakse.
Mike Brookes je vizualni umjetnik iz Velike Britanije. Njegov je rad uvažen kao onaj koji je otvorio posrednu i multi-prostornu izvedbenu praksu, ostvarenu eksperimentalnom upotrebom tehnologije, inovativnim pristupima dramaturgiji i dokumentaciji.

| www.palomachueca.com
| www.mikebrookes.com


9. 8. 2008. Trg Sv. Stošije | The Square of St. Anastasia | 21.00

Le Bizzarium

South Miller & Jacob Brindamour | Les Sages Fous, Quebec, Canada


10. 8. 2008. Sv. Donat | St. Donat | 21.00

Razgovor duše i tijela | A Dialogue Between The Soul And Body

Author | Autorica: Sanja Petrovski
Choreography | Koreografija: Stošija Zrinski
Dancers | Plesači: Matea Bilosnić, Nikolina Dolfić, Anđela Herenda, Josipa Štulić, Stošija Zrinski, Maša Zubčić
Light design | Oblikovatelj svjetla: Igor Petrovski
Design | Dizajn: Srđan Babić
Production | Produkcija: Zadarski plesni ansambl, Zadar
Duration | Trajanje: 40'

Soft sandy waves, flight of a bird, calm surface of a river that flows slowly and - movement as a barely recognizable image of that spiritual world that can’t be seen with a physical eye and is sensed by the soul.
A Dialogue between the Soul and Body is a contemporary dance performance inspired by the medieval church legend and Gregorian choral.
Zadar Dance Ensemble was founded in 1991. by dancers and choreographers Nives Šimatović Predovan and Sanja Petrovski. Since then ZPA has produced numerous dance plays and performances bringing their passion for modern dance to a wider audience. Recognised for its diverse style of programming ZPA combines modern and classic dance techniques, unites amateur and professional dancers and provides education programs for dancers of all ages.
Blagi pješčani valovi, let ptice, mirna površina rijeke koja polako teče i pokret kao jedva čitljiva slika one duhovne stvarnosti koju tjelesnim okom ne vidimo, a dušom naslućujemo. Plesna predstava suvremenog izraza potaknuta srednjovjekovnom crkvenom legendom i gregorijanskim koralom.
Zadarski plesni ansambl su 1991. godine osnovale plesačice i koreografkinje Nives Šimatović Predovan i Sanja Petrovski. U svojoj povijesti ZPA je producirao brojne plesne predstave i performanse pronoseći strast za suvremenim plesnim izrazom široj publici. Prepoznata po raznolikim stilovima, grupa kombinira klasične i moderne plesne tehnike, povezuje amatere i profesionalne plesače te organizira edukacijske programe za plesače svih uzrasta. 


10. 8. 2008. Sv. Dominik | St. Dominic | 22.00


Authors | Autorice: Lada Petrovski, Martina Nevistić
Choreography and performed by | Koreografija i izvedba: Martina Nevistić, Lada Petrovski
Assistant | Asistent: Jule Flier
Light design | Oblikovatelj svjetla: Igor Petrovski, Deepak Shivaswamy
Costumes | Kostimi: Silvana Čeko Jurišić
Mucis by | Glazba: HC Boxer, Gerry Rafferty
Design | Dizajn: Srđan Babić
Production | Produkcija: Zadarski plesni ansambl, Zadar
Duration | Trajanje: 50’

Creative life discontinues when dark thoughts come out. Is there a choice, a way to get away? An outside world, help or support, do they actually help? Do we really believe in... them? Where to store the past? Relationship of two people consists of… what? Support? Tenderness? Courage?  Where lay those boundaries and can they be crossed? Or can only be accepted. ‘The craft of questions, the craft of stories, the craft of the hands - all these are the making of something, and that something is soul. Anytime we feed soul, it guarantees increase.’ Clarissa Pinkola Estes: Women Who Run With The Wolves
Kreativni život zastaje kad se pojave tmurne misli. Postoji li izbor, možemo li se osloboditi? Vanjski svijet, pomoć ili podrška,  koliko zaista pomažu? Vjerujemo li… u njih? Gdje smjestiti prošlost? Odnos dvoje ljudi sastoji se od… čega? Podrške? Nježnosti? Hrabrosti? Gdje su te granice, mogu li se preći? Ili samo prihvatiti.
‘Ta starica stoji između svjetova racionalnosti i mita. Ona je zglob na kojem se ta dva svijeta okreću. Ta zemlja među svjetovima jest ono neobjašnjivo mjesto koje svi prepoznajemo nakon što ga jedanput iskusimo, ali nijanse ga izmiču i mijenjaju oblik ako ih silom pokušamo uhvatiti, osim ako upotrijebimo pjesništvo, glazbu, ples... priču.’
Clarissa Pinkola Estes: Žene koje trče s vukovima


10. 8. Sv. Donat | St. Donat | 23.00

European Film Academy (EFA) and United International Pictures (UIP) present:
Short matters! |
Kratki su bitni!

This programme features the films nominated for the European Film Academy Short Film 2007 – Prix UIP, including the film which won in the end: Alumbramiento by Eduardo Chapero-Jackson from Spain.
Ovaj program predstavlja filmove nominirane za Prix UIP, nagradu za najbolji kratki film Europske filmske akademije 2007., uključujući i glavnog dobitnika: film Alumbramiento španjolskog redatelja Eduarda Chapero-Jacksona.

The films


Prix UIP Valladolid
Le Dîner | Večera

Director: Cécile Vernant | France, 2006 |13’25 min | fiction | dialog in French

A first date, a fancy restaurant, and a phone that won't go away. 
Prvi sastanak, gala restoran i telefon koji jednostavno ne prestaje.


Prix UIP Vila Do Conde
Plot Point

Director: Nicolas Provost | Belgium, 2007 | 15’ | experimental | no dialog

Questions the boundaries between the reality and fiction. All the actions and characters are filmed with a hidden camera in NYC. New York, the American copland and the city of crowded streets very soon turned into a fictive, filmic scenery of a nation in fear.
Propituje granice između stvarnosti i fikcije. Sve radnje i likovi snimljeni su skrivenom kamerom. New York, američka policijska država i grad pretrpanih ulica, vrlo brzo postaje filmska kulisa nacije u strahu.


Prix UIP Drama

Director: Abdelatif Hwidar | Spain, 2007 | 11’ | fiction | dialogue in Spanish

One morning in March. A train wagon. A child plays hide-and-seek with his father. 
Jednog jutra u ožujku, u vagonu vlaka, dijete se s ocem igra skrivača.


Prix UIP Berlin
Rotten Apple | Trula jabuka

Director: Ralitza Petrova | UK, 2006 | 14’ | fiction | dialogue in English

Growing up on an isolated farm with a cold and silent father, a boy spends his days in solitary contemplation. One day a mysterious woman comes. 
Odrastajući na napuštenoj farmi sa hladnim i tihim ocem, dječak provodi vrijeme u samotnom razmišljanju. Jednoga dana tajanstvena žena posjećuje farmu.


Prix UIP Tampere
Dreams and Desires - Family Ties | Obiteljske veze

Director: Joana Quinn | UK, 2006 | 10' | animation | dialogue in English

On acquiring a new Digicam, Beryl becomes obsessed with the filmmaking, using it to keep a video diary of her friend Mandy’s wedding with disastrous and hilarious consequences.
Nakon nabavke nove digitalne kamere, Beryl postaje opsjednuta snimanjem. Odlučuje snimiti vjenčanje prijateljice Mandy, s katastrofalnim i urnebesnim posljedicama.


Prix UIP Ghent
Kwiz | Kviz

Director: Renaud Callebaut | Belgium, 2006 | 5’ | fiction | dialogue in French

Two middle-aged women armed with mobile phones throw themselves into a merciless quiz. How far will they go to avoid losing face?
Dvije srednjovječne žene, naoružane mobilnim uređajima, prihvaćaju nastup u nemilosrdnom kvizu. Koliko daleko su spremne ići kako bi sačuvale obraz?


Made possible in cooperation with | Program omogućili: European Film Academy, United International Pictures & Tabor film festival


11. 8. 2008. Sv. Dominik | St. Dominic | 21.00

Yukio Mishima: Hanjo

Directed by | Redateljica: Senka Bulić
Cast | Uloge: Ana Karić (Jitsuko), Ivana Jozić (Hanako), Mislav Čavajda (Yoshio)
Icons | Ikone: Silvio Sentić, Miro Manojlović, Darko Japelj
Translator | Prevoditelj: Zlatko Wurzberg
Scene design | Scenograf: Tomislav Ćurković
Music by | Skladatelj: Tomislav Ćurković
Costumes | Kostimograf: Oliver Jularić
Light design | Oblikovatelj svjetla: Olivije Marečić
Production | Produkcija: Teatar ITD, Zagreb
Duration | Trajanje: 70’

Hanjo is a tragic love story about Hanako, a young woman with a demented mind. Hanako spends her days at the Tokyo train station where she watches every passenger in hope of finding Yoshio, the man she exchanged fans with, as a promise of their meeting again. She lives with the woman painter, Jutsiko Honda, who fears of losing her if Yoshio comes back. One day, Yoshio appears…
Hanjo is one of the ‘Five Modern No Plays’ written in 1956. by one of the most eminent writers of the 20th century, Yukio Mishima. Traditional No drama is characterized as a highly stylized performance on a relatively bare stage. Unlike classic stories, Mishima’s protagonists are obsessed with bizarre erotic desire which leads them to madness and ultimately death, as the only way out of suffering.  This adaptation is a story about the author and his phantoms.
Hanjo je tragična ljubavna priča o Hanako, mladoj ženi poremećenog uma. Hanako provodi dane na klupi čekaonice na kolodvoru. Pažljivo gleda svakog putnika tražeći Yoshiu, ljubavnika s kojim je jednom razmijenila lepezu kao znak obećanja njihovog ponovnog susreta. Stanuje kod slikarice, Jutsiko Honda, koja strepi da bi ju mogla izgubiti ako se Joshio vrati. Jednog dana, Joshio dolazi…
Hanjo je napisan 1956. kao jedna od ‘Pet modernih No drama’, jednog od napriznatijih pisaca 20. stoljeća, Yukia Mishime. No dramu odlikuje visoko stilizirana izvedba na gotovo ogoljenoj sceni. Za razliku od klasičnih priča, Mishimini su protagonosti opsjednuti bizarnom erotskom žudnjom koja ih odvodi u ludilo. Samouništenje je neizbježno, smrt je jedini mogući izlaz. Ova je adaptacija priča o autoru i njegovim njegovim fantomima.


11. 8. 2008. Sv. Donat | St. Donat | 22.30

European Film Academy (EFA) and United International Pictures (UIP) present: Short matters! | Kratki su bitni!

The films


Prix UIP Angers
Adjustment | Prilagodba

Director: Ian Mackinnon | UK, 2006 | 6’30” | animation | dialogue in English

A diarist searches for flickers of hope in a drama of technical and emotional obsession.
Pisac dnevnika u potrazi je za iskricama nade u drami o tehničkoj i emocionalnoj opsjednutosti.


Prix UIP Sarajevo
Tokyo Jim

Director: Jamie Rafn | UK, 2006 | 7’ | fiction | dialogue in English

Jim is an English lawyer in Tokyo finalising a very important deal with Mr Yakamoto, a Japanese businessman. Unfortunately, Jim is not feeling that well. On top of that Mr Yakamoto disliked him from the very beginning. The last thing in the world Jim wants to do is to go for a post-deal drink.
Jim je engleski odvjetnik u Tokiju koji upravo dovršava sklapanje veoma važnog ugovora sa japanskim biznismenom, gospodinom Yakamotom. Nažalost, Jim se ne osjeća baš najbolje. Povrh toga, gospodinu Yakamotu je od početka antipatičan. Zadnja stvar koju bi Jim želio je ići na proslavu uspješno sklopljenog posla.


Prix UIP Venice | the winner of the European Film Academy Short Film 2007 - Prix UIP
Alumbramiento | Lightborne

Director: Eduardo Chapero - Jackson | Spain, 2007 | 15’ | fiction | dialogue in Spanish

A family faces the last night with its eldest member, revealing their different ways of dealing with an ending of a life. In a surprising manner, one of them will guide the passing.
Jedna obitelj suočava se s posljednjom večeri svojega najstarijeg člana. Ta večer otkriva i različite načine njihova suočavanja sa završetkom života. Na iznenađujući način, jedan od njih će preuzeti ulogu vodiča u odlasku s ovoga svijeta.


Prix UIP Rotterdam

Director: David Dusa | France, Germany, Netherlands, 2006 | 9’ | fiction | dialogue in French

A boy discovers new perspectives for himself in a world made for adults.
Dječak otkriva novo razumijevanje samoga sebe u svijetu uređenom za odrasle.


Prix UIP Grimstad

Director: Ole Giæver | Norway, 2007 | 12’ | fiction | dialogue in Norwegian

Arild runs into Kjell by accident, the father of a former class mate. They haven't seen one another for twenty years and now they are alone in the mountains. Controversies arise when Kjell confronts Arild with the issues from the past.
Arild slučajno naleti na Kjella, oca svog nekadašnjeg školskog kolege. Nisu se vidjeli dvadeset godina, a sada su se našli sami među planinama. Kada Kjell suoči Arilda s nekim temama iz prošlosti, kontroverze isplivaju na površinu.


Prix UIP Cracow
Dad | Otac

Director: Daniel Mulloy | UK, 2006 | 7’ | fiction | dialogue in English

A husband and wife remain sexually active in later life to the disgust of their son, but who is it that has the problem?
Muž i žena ostali su seksualno aktivni i u poznim godinama, na veliko zgražanje njihovog sina. No tko je u stvari taj koji ima problem?


Prix UIP Edinburgh
Soft | Mekušac

Director: Simon Ellis | UK, 2006 | 14’ | fiction

When a father and son are independently terrorised by the same gang of youths, Dad is forced to deal with fears that he hasn't had to face since leaving school.
Kada oca i sina, neovisno jedan o drugome, počne terorizirati ista banda mladića, otac je prisiljen uhvatiti se ukoštac sa strahovima s kojima se nije morao suočavati još od svojih školskih dana.


12. 8. 2008. Sv. Donat | St. Donat | 21.00

Elfriede Jelinek: Jackie

Director | Redatelj: Ivica Buljan
Performing | Izvode: Senka Bulić, Matija Ferlin
Live music by | Glazba uživo: Aleksandar Antić, Luka Barbić
Translation | Prijevod: Snježana Rodek
Dramaturge | Dramaturg: Zlatko Wurzberg
Set design | Scenograf: Slaven Tolj
Costumes | Kostimi: Ana Savić - Gecan
Choreographer | Koreograf: Matija Ferlin
Production | Produkcija: Novo Kazalište, Zagreb and Mini teater, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Co-production | Koprodukcija: ARL Dubrovnik, Zekaem, Zagreb
Duration | Trajanje: 60’

Jackie is a deconstruction of one of the greatest myths of the western society, the one about Jackie Kennedy Onassis. Jackie is the fourth part of the cycle Dramas of Princesess written by the Nobel Prize recipient Elfriede Jelinek. In these short plays that are analogous to Shakespeare's portrayal of kings, Jelinek showcases the identity of a woman by exposing world renowned female personas, from Snow White to Lady Diane. It is with simplicity and inquisitiveness that Jelinek wonders: what would have Jackie Kennedy said if she had talked, extensively talked, if we could have heard her talking to herself. At the end of the monologue, we’d know all about her and be the first in this experience.
Mini Teater was founded in 1999. by Robert Waltl, a director, actor and puppeteer. In its theatrical activity Mini Teater has developed different courses of art practices. The theatre is dedicated to puppets, but also produces performances for adults in their ongoing effort to promote contemporary world drama as well as to establish new approaches in directing or working with Slovene and international stage directors and actors.
Jackie je dekonstrukcija jednog od najvećih mitova zapadnog društva, onog o Jackie Kennedy Onassis. Jackie je četvrti je dio ciklusa ‘Drama princeza’, u kojem nobelovka Elfriede Jelinek, analogno Shakespeareovom ciklusu kraljeva, evocira sudbinu i ulogu žene kroz slavne ženske figure, od Snjeguljice do Lady Diane. S jednostavnošću i znatiželjom, Jelinek se pita što bi rekla Jackie Kennedy da je govorila, dugo govorila, da smo je čuli kako govori samoj sebi. Na kraju monologa, znat ćemo sve o njoj i u tome ćemo biti prvi.
Mini teater je 1999. godine osnovao Robert Waltl, redatelj, glumac, lutkar. U svojoj kazališnoj aktivnosti Mini teater je naročito usmjeren na razvijanje novih umjetničkih praksi. Iako posvećen lutkarstvu, teatar producira i predstave za odrasle u svojoj trajnoj i snažnoj promociji suvremene svjetske drame i stvaranju novih autorskih pristupa u radu sa slovenskim i međunarodnim redateljima i izvođačima.

| www.mini-teater.si


12. 8. 2008. Sv. Donat | St. Donat | 22.30

Zerø Pointing | Nulovanje

Directed by | Redatelj: Christian Suchy
Dramaturgy | Dramaturgija: Christian Suchy, Juraj Aras
Performing | Izvodi: Juraj Aras
Technical assistance | Tehnička realizacija: Igor Maštruko, Danijel Franov Laso, Pavle Rak
Production | Produkcija: Teatro VeRRdi, Zadar
Duration | Trajanje: 55’

Zerø pointing leads us to the grounding. It is a protection from the impacts of a materialistic world and an invitation to the soundness of mind...
Nothing is as it seems and everything is connected. If we notice a butterfly at some point if his flight maybe simultaneously we influence his journey. Everyone has the ability of making his own wishes come true…. be careful what you wish for. I think, therefore I influence.
'The whole story is somewhat like the Zen on the edge of the science and of (in)sanity; the play which derives from nothing and heads towards nothing.’
Teatro VeRRdi is an independent artistic organization founded in Zadar, in 1999. by Juraj Aras. Teatro VeRRdi, known for its performances and comedy art, has shortly after developed into a small production house which has created music for theatre, art performances and various theatre pieces, such as Eksluziv, Gracki djir, Narodne glume s Lutkom, Kralj Gordogan.    
Nulovanje je put do uzemljenja, zaštita od udara materijalističkog svijeta i poziv na normalnost. Ništa nije kakvim se čini i sve je povezano. Ako primjetimo leptira u određenoj točki njegovog leta, možda istovremeno utječemo i na njegov put. Svaki čovjek ima sposobnost ostvariti vlastite želje ... pazi što želiš. Mislim, dakle utječem.
'Cijela priča je kao nekakav zen na rubu znanosti i na rubu (bes)smisla, predstava koja se stvori iz ničega i odlazi u ništa.'

Teatro VeRRdi je nezavisna umjetnička organizacija osnovana 1999. u Zadru. U svom početku voditelj Juraj Aras i Teatro radili su performanse, skečeve i glazbu za kazalište da bi potom prerasli u malu produkcijsku kuću koja je pored navedenog producent i kreator nekoliko kazališnih predstava, kao što su Eksluziv, Gracki djir, Narodne glume s Lutkom, Kralj Gordogan i druge.


13. 8. 2008. Kalelarga, Riva | 20:00, 22:00

Beach Patrol

Performers | Izvode: Richard Sidlow, Sean Bresser and Lillian Tulloch
Production | Produkcija: Icarus Performance Troupe (Sydney, Australia)
Duration | Trajanje: 2 sets per 45’

Sharks beware! These three bronzed heroes of surf and sand are on patrol and eager to prove they're ready to rescue. Marvel at their mouth to mouth! Be dazzled by their daring drills! Heroic? Certainly. Posers? Definitely.
You'll be queuing up for CPR after these moustachioed musclemen have bared their biceps while diverting danger. Swim outside the flags at your own peril.
Over the past 10 years Icarus has established itself as one of Australia's premier stilt-walking companies. During this time Icarus has built a strong reputation on its ability to thrill and surprise its audiences with its unique brand of stilt acrobatics and dance. Whether it's a large fiery street theatre spectacle, a choreographed stage piece or large, visual, interactive, walk around entertainment, Icarus combines its wonderful skills with big, bright, bold and beautiful costuming.
Morski psi, čuvajte se! Tri brončana Adonisa su na straži, željni dokazivanja svoje spasilačke spremnosti. Njihovi odvažni manevri ostavljaju bez daha. Junaštvo? Svakako. Foliranje? Definitivno. Trebat ćete masažu srca nakon što ovi brkati golemaši razotkriju svoje bicepse. Sama snaga i štruce čelika. Plivanje izvan zastavica dozvoljeno isključivo na vlastiti rizik.
U proteklih 10 godina Icarus je postala jedna od vodećih australskih kazališnih trupa hodača na štulama. Tijekom tog vremena, Icarus gradi jaku reputaciju na vještini da oduševljava i iznenađuje gledatelje svojim jedinstvenim brandom akrobacije i plesa na štulama. Bilo da je riječ o vatrenom spektaklu uličnog kazališta, koreografiranom scenskom djelu ili interaktivnoj zabavi prošetavanja, Icarus objedinjuje iznimne vještine koje posjeduje sa raskošnim, veselim, smionim i atraktivnim izgledom.


13. 8. 2008. Sv. Dominik | St. Dominic | 21:00

Embodiment | Utjelovljenje

Director, choreographer & performer | Redatelj, koreograf i izvođač: Žak Valenta
Dramaturge | Dramaturginja: Magdalena Lupi
Set and light design | Scena i svjetlo: Lara Badurina
Composer | Skladatelj: Ivan Šarar
Costumes | Kostimi: Trafik
Duration | Trajanje: 35’

In his solo the author Žak Valenta explores the phenomena of 'an embodied performer' . The body becomes a lonely carrier of all invisible sensors of the consciousness. It is fragile and sensitive to all external sensations. Exhausted from figuring out its riddles. Self-healing in sewing of all invisible injuries. With an eye of a cautious observer, one who never misses anything, he tries to capture a moment that is created for us alone.
Trafic (Transitive-Fiction Theatre) is an independed professional theatre production founded in Rijeka in 1998. Trafic moves the borders between physical theatre, contemporary dance, mime, visual theatre and site specific one. The focus is the human body researched through different artistic forms. Unlike convensional theatres, Trafik desides in favour of simplicity, uncompromising attitude and risk.
U svom solu, putem vlastitog izvođačkog iskustva, Žak Valenta istražuje fenomen 'utjelovljenog performera'. Tijelo radi kao osamljeni prijenosnik svih nevidljivih senzora svijesti. Krhko je i senzibilizirano na sve vanjske podražaje. Iscrpljujuće u odgonetanju vlastitih rebusnih zadataka. Samoiscjeljujuće u zakrpavanju nevidljivih ozljeda. Moment kojeg kreira samo za nas pokušava uhvatiti pogledom diskretnog promatrača. Onog kojemu ništa nikada ne promakne. 
Trafik (tranzicijsko-fikcijsko kazalište) je nezavisna profesionalna kazališna produkcija osnovana u Rijeci, 1998. godine.  Trafik pomiče granice između fizičkog kazališta, suvremenog plesa, mime i teatra na specifičnoj lokaciji. U centru zanimanja je tijelo koje se istražuje kroz različite umjetničke forme. Suprotno tradicionalnoj kazališnoj praksi, Trafik traži jednostavnost, beskompromisnost i rizik.

| www.trafik.hr


14. 8. 2008. Kalelarga | 20:00, 22:00


Performers | Izvode: Richard Sidlow, Sean Bresser and Lillian Tulloch
Production | Produkcija: Icarus Performance Troupe, Sydney, Australia
Duration | Trajanje: 2 sets per 45’

Giant Bouncing Kangaroos. A mob of kangaroos on amazing bouncing stilts. Jumping up to a metre off the ground and 2 metres in a bound, they are a phenomenal sight. Their characters are a crossover of an outback macho and inner city punk savvy - always Roo'd but never offensive.
Having performed in over 20 countries around the world, Roo’d is one of Australia’s most successful independent artistic exports.
Roo’d su klokani. Banda klokana na nevjerojatnim dinamičnim štulama. Skaču do metar u vis i dva u dalj. Fenomenalan su prizor. Njihovi su karakteri mješavina macho seljaka i pronicljivog pankera iz predgrađa. Uvijek provokativni, no nikad neugodni.
Roo’d su se pojavili u preko 20 zemalja svijeta, što ih čini jedim od najuspješnijih nezavisnih umjetničkih izvoznih proizvoda Australije.